Author ArchivesJonathan Richardson

Airbus Training standard

Hands On Stick Time with A320 or Airbus type If you have an airline assessment on A320 (or Airbus type aircraft) then utilising the A320 Fixed Based Simulator is an effective training tool. Or if you would like to refresh or perhaps practice complex approaches then the simulator offers an ideal environment to do this in a cost effective fashion. The A320 simulator is fully flyable giving you that vital hands-on stick time and also offering the ability to practice and fly the profiles in real time. The pmFlight A320 Simulator is a fly-by-wire system, full dynamic control loading (on the rudder channel), thus making it also possible to fly single engine profiles. Common ECAM procedures can be practiced with appropriate ...

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A380 / A320 British Airways Simulator Assessment standard

Be prepared for your BA SIM - A380 & A320 (B747 / B777) FBS options available We specialise in British Airways simulator assessment check ride preparation. If you have a check ride with British Airways we can help you. NEW: Airbus A320 and A380 simulator preparation options. BA A380   Instruction is key to your success Our training captains for the BA simulator sessions have been running these sessions for the past 15 years. In this particular check ride the key to a successful outcome is that high quality training aligned to what BA are specifically looking for. Success rates Success rates are extremely high and we have detailed feedback of what to expect. We also provide pre course and post course material. Before your British Airways simulator ...

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Some recent customer feedback standard

Some sample feedback from customers.  This is a small selection of e-mails from customers, many of which we have helped to enhance their skills and prepare. Whether that is specifically for simulator preps in general or specific airline selections. Fom pilots with a few hundred hours to several thousand / a wide range of experience. Simulator Preparation Full Course - British Airways Just an email to let you know we were both successful with BA and should be starting this summer on the A320. We both found that the time we spent with you gave us the confidence in being able to manage a totally unfamiliar cockpit (to an acceptable level!) and have recommended you to several colleagues. Simulator Preparation Full Course - BA Just a ...

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Feedback from trainee pilots standard

In the past two weeks we have had very positive feedback from pilots gaining jobs. Some already holding type ratings on the 737 and A320 and others very new to jet handling. We wish them success in their new flying careers. Those front seats are hard to come by at the moment. Also several senior FOs have moved to the left seat gaining their commands. Our feedback from them was that their command preparation training was extremely helpful to them prior to their main command course. If you would like to find out more about our training programmes, please visit the training pages to find out ...

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