737 Simulator Primary Flight Display

737 simulator expanded Primary Flight Display (PFD)

For non-type rated pilots this provides a detailed view of the Boeing 737 simulator PFD. This image shows all indications.

Expanded PFD

A diagram that shows all PFD indications, listed below useful to know for initial 737 simulator session especially if unfamiliar with the Boeing Glass Cockpit. 737 simulator.

Expanded PFD shows all items

Expanded PFD

  • GS Ground Speed
  • Vref
  • vR
  • V1
  • Green flap speeds
  • Magenta selected speeds
  • ILS / DME read / IDENT
  • FMA
  • AP on/off
  • Magenta selected Altitudes
  • Altimeter tape
  • VS indicator
  • Green mins Baro bar
  • Current Altimeter setting
  • LOC & GS scales

Expanded 737-800 Speed Tape Indications

Additional Note: Selected speeds and altitudes on Boeing Type aircraft are shown in Magenta. Also, the selected heading is also shown in magenta.

Magenta is a “command” colour in Boeing aircraft. This is a common area of confusion between Airbus type and Boeing pilots when switching between the two a/c types (typically for Airline Simulator Preparation). On Airbus the pilot selected Speed, Altitude and Heading are in Cyan. In managed mode they are in Magenta. The speed trend line on the Boeing 737 is green in colour as apposed to the Airbus where it is yellow.

737 speed tape indications

737 Speed Tape

Boeing 737-800 Main Panel (NG)

Useful reference for typical items

  • BARO
  • MINS
  • Course Selectors
  • MCP selectors
  • Speedbrake Arm Light
  • LE Flaps Light & Gauge
  • Gear Lights
  • N1


737 flight simulator free cockpit

Useful Scan items and selections

Side by side look at Airbus v Boeing PFD

Other considerations

On Boeing the selected altitude is always set at the top of the altitude tape in magenta. One Airbus it is shown top of altitude tape for a climb to a higher altitude or at the bottom of the tape for a descent to a lower altitude (in either magenta or cyan). On the picture reference it is shown in Cyan 4000 for the descent. The Boeing VS indicator is shown in digital format at the top or bottom of the tape in 50’s on the Airbus it is shown in 100’s and is written on the actual VS scale next to the green needle. QNH indication is in same location cross type. These are basic things that can cause initial confusion and are useful to know prior to your 737 simulator or airbus simulator sessions. See also the 737 simulator page and the training section.



A320 PFD B737 PFD






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