Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Once a booking is made and paid for (deposit for the simulator component of training) then we will proceed to book the slot, training captain / instructor and any additional crewing requirements. You will lose the deposit if you should cancel once we have booked the simulator and training captain/instructors/crew. If for some technical reason, the simulator session could not be made, in such circumstances, a full refund is given of the deposit and you will not be liable for additional instructor or crew fees. All simulator booked time must be paid for in advance due to the above mentioned reasons. We generally confirm bookings (time and date) via e-mail confirmation. We can not be liable for factors beyond the control of pmFlight Limited, such as (but not limited to), weather, power failures or machinery failures. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requirements but in the unlikely event of a problem occurring, our liability will be limited to the cost of the booking only.

The above terms are superseded if you have Covid-19 symptoms prior to the sim slot booking at pmFlight. In this scenario the slot(s) can be moved during the 2020 pandemic. However there are certain limitations depending on simulator type especially if the training (or part of) is in a simulator not directly operated by pmFlight.

Your considerations and responsibility 

Simulators are complex machines. Their goal is to present to the user a sense of being in a real world environment using visual and motion cueing systems. Most people have no problems with these type of systems, but it is your responsibility that if you are suffering from any condition that might be effected by such an experience, or you should become unwell in the course of the simulator flight detail, to let us know about such condition(s) or ill effect(s) you may be experiencing. You are also responsible not to act recklessly or without due care and attention, for your safety, ours and the protection of the simulator equipment and not to cause deliberate damage. We reserve the right to stop a simulator session or refuse entry to a simulator or our premises if we do not feel the applicant is suitable for whatever reason. Note that liquids and mobile phones are not allowed into the simulators themselves.

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